Part No 1143214 7 ICCG Bed Rails
3. Repeat STEPS 1-2 to adjust the remaining mattress keeper on the head end of the
mattress deck.
FIGURE 7 Changing the Mounting Position of the Mattress Keepers
For your convenience, the March 2006 version of the FDA’s bed safety guidelines are
provided in this section. The information from the FDA’s brochure, published by
Hospital Bed Safety Workgroup, is reproduced verbatim, the latest revision of
which is available at http://www.fda.gov.
A Guide to Bed Safety Bed Rails in Hospitals, Nursing
Homes and Home Health Care: The Facts
Bed Rail Entrapment Statistics
Today there are about 2.5 million hospital and nursing home beds in use in the United
States. Between 1985 and 2005, 691 incidents of patients* caught, trapped, entangled, or
strangled in beds with rails were reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Of
these reports, 413 people died, 120 had a nonfatal injury, and 158 were not injured because
staff intervened. Most patients were frail, elderly or confused.
*NOTE: In this brochure, the term patient refers to a resident of a nursing home, any individual
receiving services in a home care setting, or patients in hospitals.
Mattress Keeper
Head End
of Mattress
Mounting Screws and Locknuts
2-inch Gap
Mattress Keeper
Head End
of Mattress
Mounting Screws and Locknuts
1-inch Gap
NOTE: Mounting position of the
mattress keeper for use with 80-inch
mattress - without side rails
NOTE: Mounting position of the mattress keeper
for use with 80-inch mattress - using side rails
6815A, 6816A, or 6803A