
IP Media Server for HMP Demo Guide — July 2005 39
Demo Details
5.3 Threads
The IP Media Server for HMP demo operates with two threads, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. IP Media Server Demo Threads
The threads are created as follows:
1. The first (main) thread is created by the demo application to get the keyboard input.
2. The second thread is an SRL thread, created as a result of the demo application calling
PDLsr_enblhdlr( ). All Global Call events are received through the SRL.
5.4 Initialization
This section describes the IP Media Server for HMPdemo initialization as shown in Figure 5.
A system is started in the following sequence:
1. The application creates CConfig( ) to parse the configuration file.
2. The application creates CEventRouter( ) to start the Event Router, which, in turn, starts the
Fax module, the Voice module, and the IP module. When a module is started, it initializes its
boards, devices and state machines.
State Machine CFaxStateMachine
Handles fax events and maintains fax
state machine
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by the
classes inside the fax module.
Init( )
Initializes fax state machine
Exit( )
Terminates fax state machine
ProcessEvent( )
Processes fax events
Table 9. Fax Module Classes (Continued)
Category Class Name Interface
Main Thread