
AC450NX Rack Server System Product Guide
Product Information Area (Version 1, Length 80)
Unicode Country Base = 00h
Manufacturer Name (ASCII) = Intel
Product Name (ASCII) = AC450NX Server System
Part Number (ASCII) = ASDK128M1P2MBPP
Version (ASCII) =
Serial Number (ASCII) = 0123456789
Asset Tag (ASCII) =
Displaying SDR Area
The SDR nonvolatile storage area is displayed in the following hex format. The data is separated
by a Sensor Record Number X header, where X is the number of that sensor record in the SDR
area. The next line after the header is the sensor record data in hex format delineated by spaces.
Each line holds up to 16 bytes. The data on each line is followed by the same data in ASCII
format; nonprintable characters are substituted by a period (.).
To display the SDR area, type
frusdr -d sdr and press <Enter>. A message similar to the
following appears:
Reading SDR Record #1
0E 00 10 01 37 20 00 0F 05 00 10 F1 F8 02 01 85 ....7..........
02 00 00 00 04 00 00 C4 02 00 08 30 C2 07 91 95 ...........0....
8E FF 00 1B 1B 00 99 95 00 8A 8E 02 02 00 01 CC ................
53 43 53 49 2D 42 2D 54 65 72 6D 33 SCSI-B-Term3
Reading SDR Record #2
0E 40 10 01 30 20 00 13 05 00 10 F1 F8 04 01 05 .@..0 ..........
00 00 00 20 29 00 00 1E 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... )...........
00 FF 00 03 03 00 00 00 00 42 49 02 02 00 01 C5 .........BI.....
46 41 4E 2D 32 FAN-2