Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver 31
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0 ICEGD_ESCAPE_GET_AVAIL_PD_ATTRIBUTES
Input Data Structure Output Data Structure Notes
A buffer pointed by
All structures below should be with same size and should be
converted to others according to the attribute type.
igd_attr_t: General attribute structure
igd_range_attr_t: Range type attribute structure
igd_list_attr_t: List type attribute
igd_list_entry_attr_t : Entry for a list
igd_bool_attr_t: Boolean type attribute
igd_string_attr_t: String type attribute
Dependent on previous call to
output buffer required
This escape code is used to get available attributes exported by the Port Driver.
ICEGD_ESCAPE_GET_NUM_PD_ATTRIBUTES must be called before it can get the number of attributes. The
output is a pointer to a list that can hold all the attributes supported by the Port Driver.
It is always called to get the attribute list of the old configuration for the later use by
Output Data Structure Definition
igd_attr_t is general envelop data structure for all type of attributes. It supports the following five different
• range
• list
• list entry
• bool
• string
There are five igd_<type>_attr_t data structures with the same size of structure igd_attr_t (where
<type> is one of the above types). The user can generally use the igd_attr_t pointer to any attribute data buffer and
access the interested member data by the specific igd_<type>_attr_t data structure, as listed below.
• igd_range_attr_t
• igd_list_attr_t
• gd_list_entry_attr_t
• igd_bool_attr_t
• igd_string_attr_t;
Please refer to igd_pd.h for attribute data structure details.
See ICEGD_ESCAPE_SET_PD_ATTRIBUTES for a complete example.