HMP Release 2.0 for Windows Software Installation Guide — December 2005 27
Installing the Software
that silently installs the HMP Software (described in the next section). However, in this case
you must not change the name of the response file. You must keep the default name: setup.iss.
Note: You won’t be able to move setup.iss to the root of the build media if you are using a
CD with the HMP Software on it. If you are using a CD, you will have to specify the
location of setup.iss in the next procedure (Using the InstallShield Response File).
To use this response file to install the HMP Release 2.0 software, follow the procedure in
Section 2.5.3, “Using the InstallShield Response File”, on page 27.
2.5.3 Using the InstallShield Response File
This section describes how to use the InstallShield response file you created with the procedure
given in Section 2.5.2, “Creating an InstallShield Response File”, on page 26.
1. Open a Windows DOS command prompt and change into the root directory of the HMP
Software build media (the HMP Software CD or downloaded files), which is where setup.exe
is located.
2. Depending on where the setup.iss file is located, you will run one of the following commands:
• If setup.iss is in the root directory of the build media and the setup is located on a read-
only medium (i.e., CD-ROM), run
setup /s /f2”<LOGDIR>\setup.log”
where <LOGDIR> is the directory in which the setup.log file will be created.The path to
the log file must be to a pre-existing directory. It can be any directory that is writable to
the user installing the software. Here is an example of this command:
setup /s /f2”c:\temp\setup.log”
• If setup.iss is NOT in the root directory of the build media, run
setup /s /f1”<ISSDIR>\setup.iss” /f2”<LOGDIR>\setup.log”
where <ISSDIR> is the directory in which setup.iss (the response file) is located and
<LOGDIR> is the directory in which the setup.log file will be created. It can be any
directory that is writable to the user installing the software. Here is an example of this
setup /s /f1”c:\WINNT\hmp.iss” /f2”c:\temp\setup.log”
The /f1 option lets you specify the location and name of the response file, which you
must do if you change the name from the default (setup.iss). In the example above,
“hmp.iss” is being used instead of “setup.iss.”
Here is an example of how the command might look if you rename the response file, but
still put it in the root of the build media (in the same directory as setup.exe):
setup /s /f1”.\hmp.iss” /f2”c:\temp\setup.log”
For more information about setup.exe command line options, go to
3. Since this is a silent install, there will be no immediate, obvious way of telling whether the
command you just entered is installing the software. However, you can look at one or both of
the following to check the status: