High Availability for Windows Demo Guide — September 2004 17
Running the Demo
3. After the board has been ‘quiesced’ by the RGA, the PFM calls the NCM_StopBoard( )
function to stop the board. This generates a DLGC_EVT_BLADE_STOPPED event that is
displayed in the RGA main window.
4. After the board has been successfully stopped, the PFM invokes the dm3post utility to perform
a Power On Self Test (POST) on the board that generated the CP/SP fault.
4a. If the board passes the POST, the PFM automatically calls the NCM_StartBoard( )
function to re-start the board.
4b. If the board fails the POST, the PFM main window displays a “Replace This Board”
message next to the failed board. You must then highlight the failed board in the PFM
main window and click Remove from the Device menu. You can then physically remove
the board from the chassis when the Out of Service (Blue) LED lights on the board’s
Using the Peripheral Fault Manager to Replace a Board
The following procedure describes how to remove and replace (peripheral hot swap) a board that is
being used by the Revenue Generating Application:
1. In the Peripheral Fault Manager main window, highlight the board you wish to remove and
2. On the Device menu, click Stop. The PFM informs the RGA of the stop board request. The
RGA responds by updating the board’s status to ‘quiesced’, meaning it is no longer using the
board to make and receive calls.
3. After the board has been quiesced, the PFM invokes the NCM_StopBoard( ) function to stop
the board. When the board has been successfully stopped, the RGA displays the following
information in its main window:
Event Detected:
DLGC_EVT_BLADE_STOPPED with auid X, board Y, slot Z
where X is the Addressable Unit Identifier (AUID) of the board that is being stopped, Y is the
board number and Z is the slot number occupied by the board.
4. On the PFM main window Device menu, click Remove to remove the board’s configuration
information from the NCM database. This generates a DLGC_EVT_BLADE_REMOVED
event that is displayed in the RGA main window.
5. When the board entry is deleted from both the RGA main window and the PFM main window,
the Out of Service (Blue) LED on the board’s backplane will light up. You can then unlock the
board’s extraction handles and physically remove the board from the chassis.
6. Insert a replacement board into the system and wait for the board to complete its initial Power
On Self Test (POST). When the Plug and Play* observer service detects the newly inserted
board, a DLGC_EVT_BLADE_DETECTED event is generated and displayed in the RGA
main window.