Page 3 of 866605X-X (en)
The ARO diaphragm pump offers high volume delivery even at low air
pressure and a broad range of material compatibility options available.
Refer to the model and option chart. ARO pumps feature stall resistant
design, modular air motor / fluid sections.
Air operated double diaphragm pumps utilize a pressure differential in
the air chambersto alternately create s uctionand positive fluid pressure
in the fluid chambers. Ball checks insure a positive flow of fluid.
Pump cycling will begin as air pressure is applied and it will continue to
pump and keep up with the demand. It will build and maintain line pres-
sure and will stop cycling once maximum line pressure is reached (dis-
pensing device closed) and will resume pumping as needed.
Models 666056-X and 66605H-X: The Acetal material used in these
pumps containsstainless steel fibers.It’s conductivityallows itto becon-
nected to a suitable ground. A ground screw and ground wire kit is pro-
vided for this.
damage, personal injury or property damage.
S A f iltercapable offiltering out particleslarger than50 microns should
be used on the airsupply. There is no lubrication required other than
the “O” ring lubricant which is applied during assembly or repair.
S If lubricatedairis present,make surethat itis compatiblewith the“O”
rings and seals in the air motor section of the pump.
S Always flush the pump with a solvent compatible with the material
being pumped if the material being pumped is subjectto “settingup”
when not in use for a period of time.
S Disconnect theair supply fromthe pump ifit is tobe inactive for afew
S The outlet material v olumeis governed not only bythe air supply but
also by thematerial supply available atthe inlet. Thematerialsupply
tubing should not be too small or restrictive. Be sure not touse hose
which might collapse.
S When the diaphragm pump is used in a forced-feed (flooded inlet)
situation, it is recommended that a “Check Valve” be installed at the
air inlet.
S Secure the diaphragm pump legs to a suitable surface to insure
against damage by vibration.
Refer tothe part viewsand descriptions asprovided on page4 through 7
for parts identification and Service Kit information.
S Certain ARO “Smart Parts” are indicated which should be available
for fast repair and reduction of down time.
S Service kits are available to service two separate diaphragm pump
functions: 1. AIR SECTION, 2. FLUID SECTION. The Fluid Section
is divided further to match typical active MATERIAL OPTIONS.
S Provide a clean work surface to protect sensitive internal moving
parts from contamination from dirt and foreign matter during service
disassembly and reassembly.
S Keep good records of service activity and include pump in preven-
tive maintenance program.
Pumpmodelswiththe suffix(-0CX or-0DX) comeequipped withduckbill
type checks.Standard duckbill pumpsare shippedwith the materialinlet
in the top and the material outlet on the bottom manifold. To change the
direction of flow, disassemble the pump asinstructed in the FLUIDSEC-
TION and reassembleas described below. Apump that was factory built
with balls and seatscan be retro-fitted with duckbill type checkvalves by
purchasing the necessary parts and installing them as shown.
The duckbillsmay beinstalled ineither directionto produce f lowfrom top
to bottom of the pump or from bottom to top of the pump. In either case,
all of the (42) duckbills must point in the same direction.
Flow from Top to Bottom: (see page 5)
1. With (15) fluid caps installed, stand the pump upside down.
2. Place (21) insert into (42) duckbill and slide (41) sleeve over (42)
3. Slide the complete check assembly into the fluid cap bore with the
(21) insert end first. [Duckbills (42) point up.]
4. Position (19) “O” ring over (41) sleeve.
5. Attach (35) manifold feet / (36) swivel assembly to the fluid caps.
6. Turn pump over to right side up position.
7. Assemble duckbill check as in step #1.
8. Slide the complete check assembly into the fluid cap bore with the
(41) sleeve end first. [Duckbill is pointing down toward fluid cap cav-
9. Position (19) “O” ring around (21) insert.
10. Attach (34) manifold / (36) swivel assembly to fluid cap.
Flow from Bottom to Top: (Inlet Bottom - Outlet Top)
To reverse flow direction, slide checkvalve assemblies into the (15)fluid
caps backwardsfrom whatis indicatedin steps#2 and #7.In step #2,the
(42) duckbills will be pointing down and in step #7, they will be pointing
S VitonR and HytrelR are registered trademarksof the DuPont Company S KynarR is a registered trademark of Arkema Inc.S FluorazR isa registered trademark of Greene,Tweed &Co. Inc. S
S SantopreneR is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company, licensed to AdvancedElastomer Systems, L.P. S