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Infinite Peripherals, Inc.
www.ipcprint.com Page 6
DPP-250 User Manual v1.01
Compatible Devices
The DPP-250 (Serial & USB) / DPP-250 (Bluetooth
) portable
thermal printer is designed specifically for use with most PDA &
Smartphone devices.
The DPP-250 can be used in a variety of applications where
Printing / Card Reading is required.
User Notes:
Compatibility depends on the type of communication method
“Serial / USB / Bluetooth
” your PDA or Smartphone supports and
the availability of DPP-250 driver for your device.
Determine the method of communications your device supports.
Next determine if your device is supported by the DPP-250
Drivers & SDKs.
Compatible devices are added continually. Visit our web site at:
Because of the continually evolving Driver & SDK to support new
mobile devices, visit our developer web site at: