
; cs; rs; ns; bs; as; CSG; cs; rs; ns; bs; as; CSG
; cs; rs; ns; bs; as; CSG
; cs; rs; ns; bs; as; CSG; cs; rs; ns; bs; as; CSG
[Name] Select count mode (B)
[Format] ASCII GS C ; sa ; sb ; sn ; sr ; sc ;
Hex 1D 43 3B sa 3B sb 3B sn 3B sr 3B sc 3B
Decimal 29 67 59 sa 59 sb 59 sn 59 sr 59 sc 59
[Range] 0 sa, sb, sc 65535
0 sn, sr 255
These values are all character strings.
[Description] Selects a count mode for the serial number counter and
specifies the value of the counter.
sa, sb, sn, sr and sc are all displayed as ASCII characters
using codes from ‘0’ to ‘9’.
sa and sb specify the counter range.
sn indicates the unit amount for counting up or down.
sr indicates the repetition number when the counter value is
sc indicates the counter value.
[Notes] Count-up mode is specified when:
sa < sb and sn 0 and sr 0
Count-down mode is specified when:
sa > sb and sn 0 and sr 0
Counting stops when:
sa = sb or sn = 0 or sr = 0
In setting count-up mode, the minimum value of the counter
is sa and the maximum value is sb. If counting up reaches a
value exceeding the maximum, it resets to the minimum
value. If the counter value set by sc is outside the counter
operation range, the counter value is forced to convert to the
minimum value by executing GS c.
In setting count-down mode, the maximum value of the
counter is sa and the minimum value is sb. If counting down
reaches a value less than the minimum, it resets to the maxi-
mum value. If the counter value set by sc is outside the
counter operation range, the counter value is forced to con-
vert to the maximum value by executing GS c.
Parameters sa to sc can be omitted. If omitted, they remain
Parameters sa to sc cannot contain characters other than ‘0’
to ‘9’.