The following times and setting are for guidance only. You may wish to alter the setting to give a
result more to your satisfaction. When a different setting to that shown below is given in a recipe, the
recipe instructions should be followed. Allow 15 minutes preheat for best results.
Always turn the thermostat knob to Mark 9 before selecting the required Gas Mark.
Shelf position 1 is the highest.
Gas Shelf
Food Mark Positions Approx. Cooking Time and Comments
Patés and Terrines 3 or 4 4 1
- 2 hrs
Oily Fish (whole) 4 or 5 3
White Fish (fillets & steaks) 4 or 5 3 25 - 30 mins.
Veal 5 4 25 mins per lb + 25 mins
Beef 4 or 5 4 25 - 30 mins per lb + 25 mins
Ham 5 4
Lamb 5 4 30 - 35 mins per lb + 30 mins
Pork 5 4 40 mins per lb + 40 mins
Chicken 5 4 25 mins per lb + 25 mins
Duckling & gosling 5 4 25 mins per lb + 25 mins
Turkey 4 or 5 4 or 5 15 - 20 mins per lb + 20 mins
Game birds 6 4
Casseroles 3 3 or 4 1
- 6 hrs. (depending on type of meat)
Milk Puddings 3 3 or 4
Baked Custard 3 3 or 4 45 mins in bain-marie
Baked sponges 4 3 40 - 50 mins
Baked Apples 3 4
Meringue puddings 1 4 or 5 15 mins or until 'tinged' with brown
Apple Pie 1x9" (230mm) 6 3 45 - 55 mins stand dish on a baking tray
Fruit crumbles 5 or 6 3 35 - 45 mins
25 mins - 1 hr, depending on recipe
and size of fish
40 mins per lb covered in foil
+ 40 mins per lb uncovered
50 mins. Remove bacon for last 15 mins.
Add extra 15 mins if roasting brace
- 2
hrs stand dish on a baking tray and
started with warm milk
30 - 45 mins depending on the size
and type of apples
Main Oven Cooking Chart
If using Aluminium Foil, remember that it is important to increase the cooking time by one third.
NEVER 1. Allow the foil to touch the sides of the oven.
2. Cover the oven interior with foil.
3. Cover the oven shelves with foil.