3. Controller Parameter Setup HRView Function Manual
3.3. Hi4a Controller
Hi4 controller has the same function as Hi3TB. However, rapid Baudrate speeds are added
and screen structure is different.
(1) For Ethernet use:
Use FTP function for Ethernet file transmission/reception.
(2) For RS-232C use:
Condition setup and constant setup should be the same as follows. When both
『Serial Port 1』 and 『Serial Port 2』 are set as “FileMng,” Serial Port 1 has a
priority, and HRView communication can be done only with Serial Port 1.
The Baudrate of the Serial Port 1 should have the same setup as HRView setup.
However, the rest of the options should be the same as follows.
『[PF2]: System』 → 『2: Controller Parameter』 → 『2: Serial ports』 → 『3:
Serial port #1 (CNSIO)』
08:09:05 *** Serial port#1 *** A:0 S:4
Press [SHIFT]+[<-][->] Key.
Baudrate = <-,19200,38400,57600,115200>
Character length = <7,8> bit
Stop bit = <1,2> bit
Parity bit = < Disable,Odd,Even >
Echo = < Disable,Enable >
Serial port usage = < FileMng,Sens,LVS >