UH68ODK Tent Heater
Troubleshooting Procedures
1.1 Fuel Supply – See PMCS
1.2 Check Flame Switch – the flame switch is a
normally open heat sensitive switch. The UH68G
has two switches. As used in the 68 outdoor kit,
only the normally open switch is active. Normally
switch 1, red and brown wires, is used. The
other switch is normally open and is not used.
1.3 Check Fuel Pump – The fuel pump operates
on 24vdc. Energize the pump and listen for
operation. Remove outlet connector and check
for fuel flow. Pump develops about 4 psi., if fuel
slowly runs from pump, clean filter as defined in PMCS. If
fuel runs out of pump at a good steady rate pump is ok.
1.4 Check Fuel Flow at Carburetor – remove fuel needle (1),
start heater. when combustion blower comes on fuel
should run from the fuel needle hole. If not fuel flow has
been stopped up stream. Check fuel solenoid and float
bowl needle and seat.
1.5 Check Ignition Transformer – CAUTION! The ignition
transformer develops 10,000 volts. Disconect ignition
cable form igniter. Position spring at tip of cable not more
than 1/8 inch from grounded surface. Turn heater on. If no
spark is detected, check power to igniton transformer.
1.6 Check Overheat Thermostat – the overheat thermostat (1)
is a normally closed temperature sensitive switch. Disconnect
wires from switch, and check continuity across switch.