Cleaner and Filter Replacement
1. Clean the outside of the unit with a soft, damp cloth. The front grill can be removed
and cleaned in soapy water. Remove the pre-fi lter before cleaning the front grill.
2. At least every 90 days, replace the carbon pre-fi lter. This is necessary to main-
tain proper odor removing and overall fi ltration performance. If necessary, it can
be changed more often. Mark the new fi lter installation sticker included with the
new carbon pre-fi lter. Be sure to remove any plastic wrapping that may be on
the new fi lter before you place it in the Air Purifi er.
3. While replacing the pre-fi lter, you should view the condition of the QuietFlo
HEPA Filter. Compare the fi lter to the color coded chart that is on the inside of
the housing. If the fi lter matches the dark color on the chart, you should remove
the fi lter and replace it with a new fi lter. Mark the new fi lter installation sticker
included with the new QuietFlo
HEPA Filter. Depending on use and environ-
ment, the HEPA Filter should last one year.
4. If you notice a decrease in air output or an increase in noise, the HEPA Filter may
be clogged. Replace it with a new QuietFlo
HEPA Filter.
Replacement Filters
To obtain a replacement filter for your Air Purifier, contact your local dis-
tributor. Visit our website at www.hunterfanglobal.com.
Hunter Air Purifi er Model No.: 36095 36127
Pre-Filter Replacement Model No.: 30901 30901
HEPA Filter Replacement Model No.: 30936 30936
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