4©2009 Hunter Fan Co. 43086-01 20090305
4. If the filter is secure, place the front grill
back onto the unit. Place the grill over the
front of the Air Purifier and lower it into
position. Refer to Figure 6.
NOTE: This unit will not operate unless the
grill is in the correct position. If the filter is
not secure, refer to the section Changing the
PERMAlife Filter.
Figure 6.
5. Plug the unit into a 120V electrical outlet
Figure 4.
3. Inspect the filter to ensure the bottom of
the filter is secure and the top of the filter is
behind the filter tab. Refer to Figure 5.
Figure 5.
Figure 3.
Grill Release
For your convenience, a remote control is
provided with this air purier. The remote may
be used to turn the air purier on or off and
adjust the fan speed. Operating the Air Purier
with the remote:
1. Install two AAA batteries (UM-4 or IEC R03
or equivalent). Refer to the graphics in the
battery compartment for proper orientation of
the batteries. (Figure 7.)
Figure 7.
2. To use the remote, point it at the air purier,
then press and release the appropriate key.
(Figure 8.) See “Speed Description” Section
for Remote button Functions.