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3. The filter comes to you installed in the correct position. Grasp the filter, and pull it
forward, up, and out of the unit. Remove the plastic wrapping and replace the filter in
the unit. The white HEPAtech™ filter material should be facing outward (towards
4. Before closing the front cover, check the placement of the pre-filter. It is installed under
clips in the front cover. The pre-filter should be replaced every three months.
5. Close the front cover by once again pressing the buttons and allowing the front cover to
slip into place over the buttons. The unit is now ready for normal operation.
6. Plug the unit into a 120V electrical outlet.
7. Select a speed by sliding the speed selector to the appropriate location. The red power
light will be illuminated when you have selected a speed.
8. Turn the ionizer ‘on’, by sliding the ionizer switch to the ‘on’ position. The green
light will be illuminated when the ionizer is ‘on’.
NOTE: The ionizer can release negative ions when the fan is not blowing. If it is used
consistenly without the fan, the dust particles that are attracted to the negative ions
may deposit on your walls and floors. To minimize these deposits, we recommend that you
use the ionizer only when the fan is blowing (when the unit is on LO, MED, or HI speed).
Cleaning And Filter Replacement
1. Every few weeks, you should open the front grill and view the condition of the HEPAtech™
System Filter. Compare the filter to the color coded chart that is on the inside of the
housing. If the filter matches the dark color on the chart, you should remove the filter and
replace it with a new filter. BE SURE TO REMOVE THE PLASTIC WRAPPING BE-
2. Clean the outside of the unit with a soft, damp cloth. The front grill can be removed and
cleaned in soapy water.
3. When you remove the front grill to clean it, you should also remove the pre-filter from
the front grill.
4. Be sure the front grill is completely dry before you reassemble it with the unit.
5. Models 30027 and 30028 use Filter #30917. No other filter or material should be used
unless approved by Hunter Fan Company.
Replacement Parts
To obtain a replacement part for your air purifier, contact customer service at (US) 1-888-
830-1326, (Canada) 1-888-855-8300, or e-mail us at TechSupport@hunterfanhq.com. Please
be prepared to tell the operator the model number of your air purifier and the name of the
part you need to replace. Refer to figure 1 for part names. Models 30027 and 30028 use
Model 30917 replacement filters and Model 30901 replacement pre-filters.
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