
Confirmation time out 74
Connecting to Wi-Fi Network 131
Connection Setup 30, 38
Connect phone to Internet
- Dial-up 133
- Wi-Fi 131
Connect phone to private network 134
Contacts 39, 84
- Beam contact information 86
- Call a contact 85
- Create a new contact 84
- Find a contact 85
- Send contact information via a text
message 86
- Send contact information via MMS 87
- View and edit a contact 85
Contacts picture (capture mode) 169
- contacts to SIM/USIM card 87
- media les from PC to phone 182
- pictures and videos 178
- SIM contacts to phone 87
- sound le to phone 72
Currency setting 70
Customize Home screen 70
Date setting 70
Device Enrollment 157
Device lock 79
Dial-up connection 133
Digitally sign messages 125, 126
Digital Rights Management (DRM) 182
Digital signature 126
Direct Push 117
- download complete e-mail 111
- satellite data 164
- synchronize e-mails 112
- web feeds 154
E-mail 110
- Outlook 106
- security 125
- synchronize 112
Emergency call 58
Encrypt messages 125, 126
Enter text and numbers 42
Equalizer 188
Error reporting 75
Event notification 71
Excel Mobile 41
Exchange Server 117