
50 Getting Started
To manage low battery
When the low-battery warning appears, do the following:
1. Immediately save your current data.
2. Synchronize with your PC or use the AC adapter to charge the battery.
3. Turn off your phone. Turn it back on only when you need to use it.
1.12 Shortcut Key
The SHORTCUT KEY on the right side of the phone can be configured to
open 2 applications that you set. By default, briefly pressing the SHORTCUT
KEY calls up a message screen (afterwards, it opens the Messaging
program); pressing and holding the SHORTCUT KEY opens Voice
To customize Shortcut Key settings
1. Select Start > Settings > Shortcut Key.
2. In Short press, select the application to open when you briefly press
3. In Press and hold, select the application to open when you press and
hold the SHORTCUT KEY.
4. Select Done.
1.13 Status Indicators
The following table lists common status indicators and their meanings.
Icon Description
T-Mobile HotSpot in use
T-Mobile HotSpot detected, user is not logged in
Wi-Fi is on, but phone not connected to a wireless network
Wi-Fi connected