
Subscribing to multiple regional editions
Want to keep up to date on current events in more than one region? You can show
one or more editions of your choice on HTC BlinkFeed.
1. On HTC BlinkFeed, swipe right to open the slideout menu.
2. Tap > Add content.
3. Tap , and then select a locale or region.
4. Select the feed sources to add.
Subscribing to an RSS feed
Don't want to miss out on news and updates from your favorite blog or website? Add
custom RSS feeds on HTC BlinkFeed.
1. Open the Internet app.
2. Go to the RSS feed URL of the blog or website you want to subscribe to.
3. Tap to add it to HTC BlinkFeed.
Customizing the Highlights feed
Go to the Highlights feed to see a mix of top trending articles and status updates from
the feed sources you added. You can also set the Highlights feed to only show items
from your favorite news sources, categories, and apps.
You cannot add custom topics and RSS to the Highlights feed.
1. On HTC BlinkFeed, swipe right to open the slideout menu.
2. Tap > Settings > Choose Highlights topics.
3. Select the feed sources you want to appear in Highlights.
Saving articles for later
Don't have time to read that potentially interesting article? You can bookmark articles
to your reading list.
Do one of the following:
§ While viewing an article, tap .
§ On HTC BlinkFeed, press and hold the tile of the article you want to bookmark.
Then tap Read later.
You'll find the reading list in the slideout menu.
39 Your first week with your new phone