
36 Phone calls
Call services
You can access and change the settings of various phone services for your phone. Call
services may include call forwarding, call waiting, voicemail, and more. Contact your mobile
operator to find out about the availability of call services for your phone.
To open call services, press OPTIONS from the main Home screen, and then tap Settings >
Call settings.
Setting Description
Fixed dialing number Restrict outgoing calls to a fixed set of numbers. To enable this
feature you must know your SIM card’s PIN2 code.
Call forwarding Select how you want your phone to handle busy, unanswered,
and unreachable calls. You can also set the call forwarding option
for all incoming calls.
Call barring Choose whether to block various categories of incoming and
outgoing calls.
Additional call settings Enable or disable operator services such as caller ID and call
Voicemail number Change the voicemail number stored on the phone.
TTY Select this option when you want to use a compatible TTY
(teletypewriter, also known as a TDD or Text Telephone) device
with your phone. If you have a hearing, speech, or language
difficulty, you can use a TTY to communicate using your phone
Home-fix dialing Lets you easily make international calls to your home country
while you’re in another country and roaming is turned on. This
option is selected by default.
Turning Airplane mode on or off
In many countries, you are required by law to turn off the phone while on board an aircraft.
A way to do this is to switch your phone to Airplane mode. This turns off the phone function
and data connection.
Press and hold POWER/LOCK SCREEN, and then tap Airplane mode. The Airplane mode
icon then appears in the status bar.
You can also turn Airplane mode on or off in Settings > Wireless controls > Airplane mode.