M-510324 301C User Manual 93
7/10 Honeywell
Binary Output
The Binary Output object type defines a standardized object whose
properties represent the externally visible characteristics of a binary
output. A "binary output" is a physical device or hardware output that
can be in only one of two distinct states, such as a relay or a switchable
power output.
Supported properties for the Binary Output object type are :
Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Status_Flags,
Event_State, Reliability, Present_Value, Polarity, Inactive_Text,
Active_Text, Priority_Array, Relinquish_Default and Out_of_Service.
Binary Value
The Binary Value object type defines a standardized object whose
properties represent the externally visible characteristics of a binary
value. A "binary value" is a control system parameter residing in the
memory of the BACnet Device.
Supported properties for the Binary Value object type are :
Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Object_Type, Status_Flags,
Event_State, Reliability, Present_Value, Inactive_Text, Active_Text,
Priority_Array, and Relinquish_Default.
The Device object type defines a standardized object whose properties
represent the externally visible characteristics of a BACnet Device.
There is only one Device object to represent the BACnet Module.
Supported properties for the Device object are : Object_Identifier,
Object_Name, Object_Type, System_Status, Vendor_Name,
Vendor_Identifier, Model_Name, Firmware_Revision,
Application_Software_Version, Protocol_Version, Protocol_Revision,
Protocol_Services_Supported, Protocol_Object_Types_Supported,
Object_List, Max_APDU_Length_Accepted, Segmentation_Supported,
APDU_Timeout, Number_Of_APDU_Retries,
Device_Address_Binding, Database_Revision, Local_Time,
Local_Date, UTC_Offset, Daylight_Savings_Status and