3. Measurement Specifications
See “Appendix 2” for Standard Measurement Condition and
Measurement Procedure
4. Environment Condition and Test
Operating Condition Temperature -10°C ~ 60°C
(Recommendation: -5°C ~ 50°C)
Humidity 20% ~ 60%
Storage Condition Temperature -40°C ~ 60°C
Humidity 0% ~ 90%
4.1 High Temperature Storage Test
In Storage condition at a temperature of 60°C for 72 hours, t
hen leaving it at Normal Temperature for 8 hours, there will be
no problem in performance.
4.2 Low Temperature Storage Test
In Storage condition at a temperature of -40°C for 72 hours,
then leaving it at Normal Temperature for 8 hours, there will be
no problem in performance.
5. Interface
5.1 Pin Assignment
TTL Communication (10 Pin FFC Connector; Maker LinkWork
1.0mm Pitch, Upper Contact)
5.2 J204 - 10 Pin Connector
5.3 Line In Pulse
(Ex, FV)
* The 10 pin Connector (JAE) over the camera module is used
for manufacturing. (Not for user)
Pin Name I / O Level
1 C Out Output Chroma Out
2 Y Out Output Luminance Out
3 Gnd Video Ground
4 V Out Output Composite Video Output
5 12 V Input 11.5 to 12.5 volts DC
6 Key 1 Input
7 Key 2 Input
8 RXD Output CMOS Level 5v (low: ≤ 0.8v, High: ≥ 3.7v
9 TXD Input CMOS Level 5v (low: ≤ 0.8v, High: ≥ 3.7v
10 Gnd Power / Data Ground
200nsec min
60 Hz ±0.25Hz