
“C” Group: Intelligent Terminal Functions
Drive Parameters
The input logic convention is programmable for each of the six inputs. Most inputs
default to normally open (active high), but you can select normally closed (active low) in
order to invert the sense of the logic.
NOTE: An input terminal configured for option code 18 ([RS] Reset command) cannot
be configured for normally closed operation.
Intelligent Input Terminal Overview
Each of the six intelligent terminals may be assigned any of the options in the following
table. When you program one of the option codes for terminal assignments C001 to
C006, the respective terminal assumes the function role of that option code. The terminal
functions have a symbol or abbreviation that we use to label a terminal using that
function. For example the “Forward Run” command is [FW]. The physical label on the
terminal block connector is simply 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. However, schematic examples in
this manual also use the terminal symbol (such as [FW]) to show the assigned option.
The option codes for C011 to C016 determines the active state of the logical input
(active high or active low).
“C” Function
Name /
SRW Display
C011 Terminal [1] active state Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open [NO]
01...normally closed [NC]
00 00
O/C-1 NO
C012 Terminal [2] active state Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open [NO]
01...normally closed [NC]
00 00
O/C-2 NO
C013 Terminal [3] active state Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open [NO]
01...normally closed [NC]
00 00
O/C-3 NO
C014 Terminal [4] active state Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open [NO]
01...normally closed [NC]
00 01
O/C-4 NC
C015 Terminal [5] active state Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open [NO]
01...normally closed [NC]
00 00
O/C-5 NO
C016 Terminal [6] active state Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open [NO]
01...normally closed [NC]
00 00
O/C-6 NO