Performing Storage Navigator Operations 4-17
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Storage Navigator User’s Guide
Setting the Environment Parameters
• To set the environment parameters, you need to log in as a storage
administrator with the Enable authority of Storage Administrator Role.
• If you edit the Storage Navigator environment parameters to change the
settings, you must back up the Storage Navigator configuration file by
downloading the file from the SVP. For instructions on downloading the
configuration file, see Downloading the Configuration Files.
The Set Env. dialog box of the Control Panel (see Set Env. Dialog Box)
allows you to set the following Storage Navigator environment parameters:
• RMI time-out period
• RMI time-out period for Modify mode
• Polling period for checking exclusive lock
• Polling period for checking status and events
• Option to hide Status window
To set the Storage Navigator environment parameters:.
1. On the Tool Panel of the Storage Navigator, click Control Panel to open
the Control Panel. The login dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the user ID and password and click Login. The Control Panel of the
Storage Navigator is displayed.
If the SVP is set to support SSL-encrypted communication, security
messages might appear. For details, see Using SSL-Encrypted
3. Click Set Env. tab to
open the Set Env. dialog box.
4. Specify the Storage Navigator parameters as required.
5. Click Submit.
6. When a confirmation message is displayed, click OK (or Cancel).
7. When a message indicating completion of submitting new environment
parameters is displayed, click OK to close the message.
8. Click Exit (
) to close the Control Panel.
Caution: You need to lo
out from Stora
e Navi
ator once and lo
in a
to make the new parameters take effect.