L2002 Inverter
Appendix B
Deceleration (2) time
R/W Duration of 2nd segment of
deceleration, range is:
0.01 to 3000 sec.
1076h 04214 1 to
0.1 sec
R/W 1077h 04215
Deceleration (2) time
setting, (2nd motor)
R/W Duration of 2nd segment of
deceleration, range is:
0.01 to 3000 sec.
151Ah 00122 1 to
0.1 sec
R/W 151Bh 00123
A094 Select method to switch
to Acc2/Dec2 profile
R/W Two options for switching
from 1st to 2nd accel/decel:
00... 2CH input from terminal
01... transition frequency
1078h 04216 0, 1 —
A294 Select method to switch
to Acc2/Dec2 profile,
2nd motor
R/W 151Ch 05404
A095 Acc1 to Acc2 frequency
transition point
R/W Output frequency at which
Accel1 switches to Accel2,
range is 0.0 to 400.0 Hz
107Ah 04218 0 to 4000 0.1 Hz
A295 Acc1 to Acc2 frequency
transition point, 2nd
R/W 151Eh 05406
A096 Dec1 to Dec2 frequency
transition point
R/W Output frequency at which
Decel1 switches to Decel2,
range is 0.0 to 400.0 Hz
107Ch 04220 0 to 4000 0.1 Hz
A296 Dec1 to Dec2 frequency
transition point, 2nd
R/W 1520h 05408
A097 Acceleration curve
R/W Set the characteristic curve of
Acc1 and Acc2, two options:
00... linear
01... S-curve
107Dh 04221 0, 1 —
A098 Deceleration curve
R/W Set the characteristic curve of
Acc1 and Acc2, two options:
00... linear
01... S-curve
107Eh 04222 0, 1 —
A101 [OI]–[L] input active
range start frequency
R/W The output frequency corre-
sponding to the current input
range starting point.
Range is 0.00 to 400.0 Hz
1080h 04224 0 to 4000 0.1 Hz
A102 [OI]–[L] input active
range end frequency
R/W The output frequency corre-
sponding to the current input
range ending point.
Range is 0.00 to 400.0 Hz
1082h 04226 0 to 4000 0.1 Hz
Holding Registers for “A” Group Standard Functions
Name R/W Description
Network Data
Range Res.
hex dec.