Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Error register 1 01h
Sector count register (7:0) (see Note) 1 02h
Sector count register (15:8) (see Note) 1 03h
Sector number register (7:0) 1 04h
Sector number register (15:8) 1 05h
Cylinder Low register (7:0) 1 06h
Cylinder Low register (15:8) 1 07h
Cylinder High register (7:0) 1 08h
Cylinder High register (15:8) 1 09h
Device register 1 0Ah
Status register 1 0Bh
Extended error data (vendor specific) 19 0Ch
State 1 1Fh
Life timestamp (hours) 2 20h
Note: bits (7:0) refer to the contents if the register is read with bit 7 of the Device Control register
cleared to zero. Bits (15:8) refer to the contents if the register is read with bit 7 of the Device Control
register set to one.
Figure 55 Error data structure
State shall contain a value indicating the state of the device when the command was issued to the
device or the reset occurred as described below.
Value State
x0h Unknown
x1h Sleep
x2h Standby
x3h Active/Idle
x4h SMART Off-line or Self-test
x5h-xAh Reserved
xBh-xFh Vendor specific
Note: The value of x is vendor specific. Device error count
This field shall contain the total number of errors attributable to the device that have been reported
by the device during the life of the device. This count shall not include errors attributed to the
receipt of faulty commands such as commands codes not implemented by the device or requests with
invalid parameters or invalid addresses. If the maximum value for this field is reached the count
shall remain at the maximum value when additional errors are encountered and logged.
14.16.3 Extended Self-test log sector
Figure 56 defines the format of each of the sectors that comprise the Extended SMART self-test log.
The Extended SMART self-test log sector shall support 48-bit and 28-bit addressing. All 28-bit
entries contained in the SMART self-test log, defined in “Self-test log data structure” shall also be
included in the Extended SMART self-test log with all 48-bit entries.
Description Bytes Offset
Self-test log data structure revision number 1 00h
Reserved 1 01h
Self-test descriptor index (7:0) 1 02h
Self-test descriptor index (15:8) 1 03h