Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
12.10.2 Set Max security extension commands
The Set Max Set Password command allows the host to define the password to be used during the
current power on cycle. This password is not related to the password used for the Security Mode
Feature set. When the password is set the device is in the Set Max Unlocked mode.
This command requests a transfer of a single sector of data from the host. The table shown below
defines the content of this sector of information. The password is retained by the device until the
next power cycle. When the device accepts this command the device is in Set Max Unlocked mode.
Word Content
0 Reserved
1-16 Password (32 bytes)
17-255 Reserved
Figure 16 Set Max Set Password data content
The Set Max Lock command allows the host to disable the Set Max commands (except Set Max
Unlock and Set Max Freeze Lock) until the next power cycle or the issuance and acceptance of the
Set Max Unlock command. When this command is accepted the device is in the Set Max Locked
The Set Max Unlock command changes the device from the Set Max Locked mode to the Set Max
Unlocked mode.
This command requests a transfer of a single sector of data from the host. The figure 16 shown above
defines the content of this sector of information. The password supplied in the sector of data
transferred is compared with the stored Set Max password. If the password compare fails, then the
device returns command aborted and decrements the unlock counter. On the acceptance of the Set
Max Lock command, this counter is set to a value of five and is decremented for each password
mismatch when Set Max Unlock is issued and the device is locked. When this counter reaches zero,
then the Set Max Unlock command returns command aborted until a power cycle.
The Set Max Freeze Lock command allows the host to disable the SET Max commands (including Set
Max Unlock) until the next power cycle. When this command is accepted the device is in the Set Max
Frozen mode.
The password, the Set Max security mode and the unlock counter don’t persist over a power cycle but
does persist over a COMRESET or software reset.
Note that If this command is immediately preceded by a Read Native Max Address command
regardless of Feature register value, it shall be interpreted as a Set Max Address command.
Figure 17 Set Max security mode transition