
(Auto-Run, cont.)
Figure 8 is a confirmation screen. The Operator needs to check that the Wash
Buffer Bottle and Antibody Reservoir are filled, and that the Waste Bottle is
emptied prior to the Auto-Run. Press “Start” key. The following screens will be
displayed in order and Auto-Run will be executed:
o Figure 9 displays the priming is in process.
o Figure 10 displays the Rack and Pette setup is being checked.
o Figure 11 displays the Rack and Pette setup is confirmed.
o Figure 12 displays the washing process (Process 1, 4 or 7) or aspiration
process (Process 2 or 5) is in operation. See Chapter 6, Operation, in the AP
720S Instruction Manual.
o Figure 13 shows incubation process (Process 3 or 6) is in operation.
o Figure 14 is a warning screen during incubation. It indicates the door is open
with a beep sound. After the door is closed, the screen will return to Figure 13.
In the case the door is open during the operation, i.e. initialization, priming,
rack & pettes check, washing, aspirating, rinsing and draining, the screen will
switch to Pause (see section 2-8 Pause)
[Operation Key]
(Figure 8)
Start: To Figure 9 Priming screen
Back: To Figure 5 Main Menu screen
(Figure 9)
Pause: To Figure 28 Pause screen
(Figure 10)
Pause: To: Figure 29 Pause screen
(Figure 11)
Pause: To: Figure 29 Pause screen
(Figure 12)
Pause: To: Figure 30 Pause screen