Often it can be difficult to locate the area you want on a specimen. In this case use Low Magnification
Imaging, here the lowest magnification is x20.
1. Press LOW MAG switch on display panel (the green light in the switch will glow). This
will automatically set the magnification to x500.
2. Alter magnification using MAGNIFICATION knob to required level. Using X and V
controls to obtain area of interest.
3. Turn off low magnification mode by pressing LOW MAG (the green light in the switch
will dim).
If you prefer the microscope will automatically focus the image. It is, however, less reliable than manual
focus, and requires that the image prior to focusing contains some contrast for the AFC to operate.
1. To coarse focus press the SEARCH button on the focus panel. The image will disappear and
the monitor line scan will appear.
2. Press the AUTO button on the focus panel. This will coarsely focus the image.
3. To fine focus only press the AUTO button on the focus panel. This will fine focus the image.
1. Press HV OFF button. Electron emission will cease.
2. Set magnification to -1OOOX. You can do this by manually turning the
MAGNIFICATION knob or pressing the PRESET switch on the magnification display.
3. Return X,Y,Z,R and T controls to their preset levels - listed on specimen chamber.
4. Open airlock door, by turning airlock level anticlockwise about one half turn. DO NOT
it requires minimal effort to open.
5. When airlock door is open, fully insert specimen exchange rod into specimen chamber.
When rod is fully inserted, screw rod onto specimen holder by turning rod clockwise.
6. When rod is screwed onto the holder, withdraw the rod into the specimen exchange
chamber. Watch to ensure the specimen is attached to rod.
7. Close airlock door by turning airlock level clockwise about one half turn.
8. Ensure toggle switch on SC AIRLOCK VALVE DISPLAY is set to S - E. C.
9. Press AIR on SC AIRLOCK VA.LVE DISPLAY - this will bleed air into the specimen
exchange chamber. This takes about 20-30 seconds.
10. Open specimen exchange chamber door. Do not force.
11. Push specimen exchange rod forward slightly so it protrudes through the specimen
exchange chamber door and unscrew specimen holder from the specimen exchange rod. Pull
specimen exchange rod back into specimen exchange chamber door.
12. Close airlock door
13. Press EVAC on SC AIRLOCK VALVE DISPLAY - this will pump the specimen
exchange chamber.
14. Observe SEC vacuum display as status lights show vacuum goes from AIR to LOW to