ISS Technology Update Volume 6, Number 9
Additional resources
For additional information on the topics discussed in this article, visit the following links:
Resource URL
Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for
HP c-Class BladeSystem – user
guide and other reference
HP Brocade 4/12 SAN Switch
– QuickSpecs
Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for
HP c-Class BladeSystem
overview & features
Frequently asked questions regarding the adoption of HP VDI
This is the second in a series of several newsletter articles about HP Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), in which we will
continue to address more of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) that our technical staff receives. It is our goal to share these
answers publicly as the HP knowledge base for VDI environments keeps expanding.
This set of FAQs includes, but is not limited to, the following VDI-related topics:
• What happens if you use sound? (see Question #1)
• A success story to tell your customers or stakeholders (see Question #2)
• The scoop about connection brokers (see Questions #3 and #4)
• Multi-monitor support (see Question #5)
To read the first article in this series that includes a brief introduction to VDI technology, go to
Question #1________________________________________________________________________________
Q. Is it possible to use sound in a VDI environment?
Yes. You may run sound in a VDI environment. Depending on the display protocol, however, the quality of sound may vary.
For example, with Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (MS RDP), the sound is unidirectional, but functional in most
circumstances. You would not want to record audio over the protocol, yet a user could certainly listen to an audio podcast
without resulting in obvious degradation of sound quality.
Question #2________________________________________________________________________________
Q. Are there any VDI success stories available?
Yes. HP has perhaps the biggest success story in the industry regarding the practical application of VDI technology. Collier
County Schools in Collier County, Florida, has a very large implementation based on HP p-Class and c-Class server blades,
and they have been successfully running their VDI environment for over a year. A video of this success story is available at
www.hp.com/go/vdi. You can check this website for regular updates of success stories, demos, and other general
information about VDI.