
Index 102
Ethernet switches 46
European Union regulatory notice 93
fan bay numbering 17
fan configurations 42
fan errors 81
fan LED 18
fans, installing 42
FCC rating label 91
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
notice 91, 92
front components 12, 14
full-height device bay blank, creating 35
full-height device bay numbering 14
full-height server blades, mapping 50
grounding methods 97
grounding requirements 11
half-height device bay numbering 14
half-height server blades, mapping 49
Health Summary icon 69, 70
Health Summary screen 69, 70
HP BladeSystem Insight Display components 15
HP BladeSystem Insight Display errors 80, 81
HP BladeSystem Insight Display screen 12, 15, 65,
HP BladeSystem Insight Display, navigating 15, 69
HP BladeSystem Insight Display, overview of 65
HP technical support 83
HP, contacting 83
identification number 91
Important Safety Information document 78
Insight Display installation 65
Insight Display screen, Blade or Port Info 74
Insight Display screen, Chat Mode 77
Insight Display screen, Enclosure Info 73
Insight Display screen, Enclosure Settings 73
Insight Display screen, Health Summary 70
Insight Display screen, Turn Enclosure UID
On/Off 75
Insight Display screen, View User Note 77
installation errors 81
installation overview 6, 21
installation, rack 24
installation, rack-free 8, 24
installing fans 42
installing interconnect bay dividers 55
installing interconnect modules 46
installing Onboard Administrator modules 44
installing PDU 62
installing power supplies 29
installing rear cage 28
installing server blade 31, 37
installing server blades 31, 37
installing the rails 24, 25
interconnect bay crosslinks 54
interconnect bay dividers, installing 46, 55
interconnect bay dividers, removing 46, 55
interconnect bay numbering 20, 53
interconnect modules, double-wide 55
interconnect modules, installing 46
interconnect ports, mapping to 48
Japanese notice 94
Korean notices 94
KVM 40, 45
laser compliance 95
laser devices 95
LED identification 12
LEDs 69, 75
LEDs, enclosure 12
LEDs, fan 18
LEDs, power supply 13
LEDs, unit identification (UID) 65, 75, 80
link-down port 57, 58
link-up port 57, 58
local media devices, accessing 41
location discovery services 15
location errors 81
mapping BL2x220c blades 51
mapping BL680c G7 blades 52
mapping full-height server blades 50
mapping half-height server blades 49