
Rear Facing bench
Bolt side door and door-frame
assembly using ¼” x ¾” carriage
bolts, washers and nuts.
Loosely bolt Passenger-side rear ceilings, Bench/Wall
assembly to Middle Bulkhead using ¼” x ¾” Carriage bolts
and serrated nuts
Note: An awe or scribe is recommended to help align holes.
Item #9 to #2
Use under seat flange holes to mark
and Drill through front bulkhead
with ¼” bit. Use ¼” x ¾” bolts and
serrated to attach seat to bulkhead.
Attach seat cover plate with # 10 x
½” flat head sheet metal screws.
Attach floor flange and side seat
flange with # 10 x ¾” pan head sheet
metal screws.
Drill floor flange and side seat
flange with a 5/32” drill bit.