174-082010_Digital AVC Page 7 of 17
2.1 Power-I/O Cable
The Power-I/O Cable is assembled at the factory as shown in Fig. 1. Its terminal end is finished with
stripped wire ends each tinned with lead free solder. This configuration is consistent with the previous,
analog version of the AVC and its color coded wire assignment remains the same, as much as possible,
considering the additional features of the Digital version.
2.2 Power Requirements & Pin Out
Supply the DAVC with a well regulated, 12 to 30 VDC power source capable of providing at least 0.5.
Watts between Power pin 4 (blue/-) and Power Common pin 3 (green/+). See Fig. 1.
2.3 Serial Communications Pin Out
The transmit line of the DAVC, RS232 TX pin 15 (pink), must be connected to the receive pin of the serial
connector on the computer and the receive line, RS232 RX pin 14 (tan) must be connected to the transmit
pin of the serial connector on the computer. A third line, Digital Common, pin 8 (black), should join the
common pins on both the computer and the DAVC.
RS-232 communication may be established with baud rates of 9600 or 19200 only. The communication
conditions of the DAVC are fixed at 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no handshaking. See the SERIAL
COMMUNICATIONS subsection under OPERATION for the command set.
2.4 Analog Output Pin Out
An analog Pressure Signal output line, pin 7 (yellow) supplies a 0 to 1 VDC signal corresponding to the
output range of the selected tube. This signal should be measured with respect to the Analog Signal
Common at pin 6 (violet).
2.5 Pressure Alarms Pin Out
A single pressure set point controls two open collector circuits. Alarm 1, the over-pressure condition is
available through pin 1 (gray) and Alarm 2, the under-pressure condition available through pin 2 (brown).
The open-collector circuits will need to be supplied with power and current limiting resistance by the end
user. The suggested circuit configuration is illustrated in Figure 2. The open collector circuits are limited to
the Voltage limitations of the DAVC and the maximum continuous current should be limited to no more than
0.5 amps to avoid damage to the DAVC.
2.0 Installation
Fig 1