Video Connections
Although some sources produce an audio signal only (e.g., CD player,
tape deck), many sources output both audio and video signals (e.g.,
DVD player, cable television box, HDTV tuner, satellite box, VCR, DVR).
In addition to the audio connection, you will need to make a video
connection for each source.
Composite video is the basic connection most commonly available, and
is the only type of video connection available with the HK 3385. The
jack is usually color-coded yellow, and looks like an analog audio jack,
although it is important never to confuse the two. Do not plug a com-
posite video cable into an analog audio jack, and vice versa. Both the
chrominance (color) and luminance (intensity) components of the video
signal are transmitted using a single cable. See Figure 5.
Figure 5 – Composite Video
The HK 3385 uses separate terminals for the included FM and AM
antennas that provide proper reception for the tuner.
The FM antenna uses a 75-ohm F-connector. See Figure 6.
Figure 6 – FM Antenna
The AM loop antenna needs to be assembled. Then connect the two
leads to the screw terminals on the receiver. See Figure 7.
Figure 7 – AM Antenna
Composite video
video cable
HK 3385 OM 4/13/07 12:02 PM Page 15