Multiroom Operation
3. When the source is selected, press the
¤ button until the
cursor is next to
4. At the MAIN MENU, press the ¤
button once so that the
cursor is
pointing to SET UPMENU. Press
5. This will bring SET UP MENU 1
(Figure #2) to the screen. Press the ¤
button twice until the
cursor is
pointing to GO TO SET UP MENU 2.
6. When SET UP MENU 2 (Figure
#3) appears, the
cursor will be pointing
to MULTI RM VOL. Use the ‹ or ›
buttons q on the remote to select one of
the following choices.
a. If the remote room is equipped
with a remote receiver only, volume
control will be performed by the AVR
80 using a remote control in the
second room. For this type of control,
select the VARIABLEoption.
b. If the volume control in the remote
room will be controlled by the
amplifier in the remote room, or if a
specialized amplifier such as the
AudioAccess AVX-603 will be used,
select FIXED.
7. After making a selection, press the ¤
button once so that the
cursor is next
8. Use the ‹ or › buttons q on the
remote to establish a volume level for
turn on or constant level, as determined
by the previous selection.
a. If VARIABLEvolume has been
selected, this setting will determine
the volume level for the remote room
each time it is turned on.
b. If FIXEDvolume has been
selected, this level will be the constant
volume level at the remote room
location unless a local volume
control is installed. Set the level as
close to “0dB” as possible without
distorting the output signal.
9. When the level has been entered, press
the ¤ button so that the
cursor is
pointing to RETURN TO MAIN
MENUand press SELECT.
10. At the MAIN MENU, use the
navigational arrow buttons on the remote
to exit from the main system.
The AVR80 is now configured for multi
room operation.
Multi room operation is simple, and it
may be controlled from either the main
listening room where the AVR80 is
located, or from a remote room where an
IR receiver or AudioAccess keypad has
been installed.
Main Room Operation
In this option, the remote room feed is
controlled from the main listening room
using the AVR80’s front panel controls.