Juicing Tips and Techniques
Purchasing and Storing Your
Fruits & Vegetables
• Always wash fruits and vegetables
before juicing.
• Always use fresh fruits and vegetables
for juicing.
• To save money and obtain fresher
produce, purchase fruits or vegetables
that are in season.
• Keep your fruits and vegetables ready
for juicing by washing them before
• Most fruits and hardier type vegeta-
bles can be stored at cool room
temperature. The more delicate and
perishable items such as tomatoes,
berries, leafy greens, celery, cucum-
bers and herbs should be stored in
the refrigerator until required.
Preparing Fruits & Vegetables
• If using fruits with hard or inedible
skins such as oranges, melons,
mangoes and kiwi fruit, always peel
before placing in the Juicer.
• All fruits with pits and seeds or
stones such as nectarines, peaches,
apricots, plums and cherries MUST
be pitted before juicing.
The Right Technique
• When juicing a variety of different
ingredients of varying textures, best
results are gained by alternating
harder ingredients with softer ones.
For example, when juicing two hard
vegetables such as carrots and
parsnips and a softer type, such as
tomatoes, start with the parsnips, then
the tomato, finishing with the carrots.
Alternating between soft and hard
vegetables in this manner assists by
cleaning the stainless steel filter basket
between the vegetables. This enables
the Juicer to extract the maximum
amount of juice from each vegetable.
• If you are using herbs, sprouts or small
leafy greens it is a good idea to wrap
them in a large lettuce or spinach leaf
or place them through the Feed Chute
between pieces of firmer vegetable.
• All fruits and vegetables produce dif-
ferent amounts of liquids. This varies
within the same group, i.e. one batch
of tomatoes can produce more juice
than another batch. Since juice recipes
are not exact, and juicing is not a
science, the precise quantities of any
juice are not crucial to the success of
a particular drink recipe. Specific
amounts are important in other recipes,
such as baked goods or jellies.
Your Juice Fountain
makes invigorating,
frothy orange juice. Simply peel the
oranges and juice. For best results,
refrigerate oranges before juicing.