
Manual abstract:
Place cutter/strainer into separator and gently push until firmly in place. Once in place, the cutter/strainer should spin easily. Position the top of both safety
latches in place, then push in at bottom to lock. Slide top in first, then bottom, and snap into place. It is important to empty the pulp bin when full and to clean
out the separator. Never use fingers or utensils other than the food pusher as a food pusher. Food should be placed in food chute only when unit is operating.
Food can be continuously placed in food chute without having to turn unit off. 6. Place food in food chute and press lightly with food pusher.
7. When pulp bin is full, turn unit off. It is very important to empty the pulp bin when full. For best performance, empty pulp bin and clean cutter/ strainer and
separator often. 8.
When juicing is completed, or when pulp bin or juice container need to be emptied, turn unit off and unplug from outlet. Immediately wash cutter/strainer
according to instructions. Cut food into pieces to fit the food chute. Be sure juice container and pulp bin are in place. 5.
Push switch up to turn on. The unit will not turn on until safety latches have been closed. If you have large quantities, such as 10 pounds or more, process in
small batches, allowing motor to cool completely between uses. â· When juicing CARROTS, DO NOT PACK food chute. Place carrots in food chute one by
one, and use gentle pressure. For best results, simply drop food pieces, one at a time, into chute. Gently and slowly press with food pusher. If the juice
extractor SEEMS TO STRUGGLE or slow down, turn the unit OFF and unplug. Thoroughly wash the cutter/strainer and separator according to instructions.
Remove pits, stones, and large seeds from apricots, cherries, peaches, plums, etc.
Form leafy vegetables into compact balls or rolls before inserting into food chute. â· One pound of raw produce usually yields one cup (8 ounces) of juice. â·
When working with large quantities of fruits and vegetables, be sure to stop unit to empty pulp bin as it begins to fill. If you desire a clear juice, filter juice
through layers of cheesecloth or a coffee filter. This will also remove any foam which results during juicing. â· To keep juices from discoloring during
storage, add a few teaspoons of lemon juice or ascorbic acid powder. â· Serve juices immediately, as the flavor and nutrient content decreases rapidly when
juices are stored. If it is necessary to juice fruits and vegetables some time before serving, cover container tightly and refrigerate. Do not store for more than
24 hours. Potato juice can be used in place of cornstarch or flour as a thickening agent in gravies and soups.
Freeze vegetable pulp for use in making soups. The juice that is extracted from these fruits is very thick and is known as nectar. It is best to combine these
juices with thinner juices, such as carrot, apple, etc. beet greens , parsley , spinach , and watercress yield very rich and thick juices. They are very
strongflavored and taste best when combined with other fruits and vegetables.
â· The optional strainer may be used to further reduce pulp and foam. To prolong the life of the juice extractor, it is recommended that all washable parts be
washed immediately after each use. The cutter/strainer is a very delicate screen not covered under the warranty. do not wash in an automatic dishwasher. If
bent or damaged, do not use, as it could break into small pieces and cause personal injury and/or damage the appliance.
Call the toll-free customer service number to order a new cutter/ strainer. Replace cutter/strainer when it shows signs of wear. Do not immerse Motor Base in
water or any other liquid. Turn OFF and unplug from electrical outlet. Remove separator with cutter/ strainer immediately after using. Do not let food dry
and harden on the cutter/strainer. Wash food pusher, cover, separator, pulp bin, and juice container in hot, soapy water. rinse , dry , and reassemble for
storage. These parts may also be washed in the dishwasher. Some foods may stain plastic parts.
Make a paste of baking soda and water and rub on stained area with a damp cloth. Wipe outside of base with a damp cloth. The following drink recipes yield
a single serving of 6 to 10 ounces (175-300 ml). 5 ml) sugar Juice cranberries, then tangerines..
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