This Washer Dryer is for domestic use only. Do not use it for
purposes other than that for which it was designed. Follow the
instructions given on the label of each garment and wash only
machine-washable garments. Do not dry garment that has been
cleaned with industrial chemicals.
C o n n e c t t h e w a s h e r d r y e r t o t h e p o w e r s u p p l y ( 2 2 0 V t o 2 4 0 V~ / 5 0 H z ) .
Turn on the tap. The water must be clean and clear.
Note: Before use, check for leakage in the joints between the tap and the inlet
hose by turning on the tap. Do not use the appliance until the hoses are properly
¬ Sort out clothes according to fabric (cotton, synthetics, wool or silk) and to how
dirty they are.
¬ Separate white clothes from coloured ones. Wash them first by hand to check if
they fade or run.
¬ Empty pockets from objects like lighters and matches, keys, coins, etc. and
remove the harder decorative objects (e.g. brooches).
¬ Garments without hems, underwear, finely woven textile such as fine curtains
are to be put into wash bag (it is better not to wash them in a washing
¬ Close zippers and hooks, make sure the buttons are sewn on tightly and place
small items such as socks, belts, bras, etc. in the wash bag.
¬ Unfold large pieces of fabric such as bed sheets, bedspreads, etc.
¬ Turn shirts inside out.