
G4000 9'' x 19'' Lathe -9-
The Model G4000 Metal Lathe comes equipped
with a 4'' 3-jaw chuck (already installed), a 7'' 4-
jaw chuck and a face plate.
The 3-jaw chuck is a scroll-type chuck, meaning
that all three jaws move in unison when adjust-
ments are made. The 4-jaw chuck, on the other
hand, features independent jaws. The 4-jaw
chuck is used for square or unevenly-shaped
The 3 and 4-jaw chucks have a setscrew in the
hub of the back plate.
FFiigguurree 22..
This setscrew
prevents the chucks from unscrewing when rotat-
ing the lathe in the reverse direction. Prior to
removing the chuck, loosen the setscrew in the
hub of the back plate.
FFiigguurree 22..
Typical chuck mounting.
This lathe model should be securely mounted to
a stand or benchtop. An accessory stand is avail-
able from Grizzly, please see our current catalog
for pricing. There are two holes at each end of the
lathe base which can be used to secure machine
to the base.
The lathe does not require a great deal of assem-
bly. This section details the installation of the var-
ious accessory holding devices. The following
section will familiarize you with the controls for
your new lathe. After you have completed both of
these sections we will do a test run of the
machine. Do not attempt a test run until you have
become familiar with both of these sections.
DDOO NNOOTT aatttteemmpptt ttoo ssttaarrtt tthhiiss mmaacchhiinnee uunnttiill
yyoouu hhaavvee ccoommpplleetteedd aallll ooff tthhee aasssseemmbbllyy aanndd
ccoonnttrrooll ffaammiilliiaarriizzaattiioonn sstteeppss.. WWhheenn ppeerrffoorrmm--
iinngg tthhee aasssseemmbbllyy sstteeppss,, eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee
sswwiittcchh iiss ooffff aanndd tthhee ppoowweerr iiss ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd..
FFaaiilluurree ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhiiss ccoouulldd ccaauussee
iinnaaddvveerrtteenntt ssttaarrttiinngg ooff tthhee mmaacchhiinnee wwhhiicchh
ccaann rreessuulltt iinn sseerriioouuss ooppeerraattoorr iinnjjuurryy..
The G4000 is shipped from the factory pre-lubri-
cated. However, it is recommended that you go
through the entire lubrication sequence before
operating the machine. Review
SSeeccttiioonn 77::
for lubrication instructions.
LLuubbrriiccaattiioonn mmuusstt bbee ccoommpplleetteedd bbeeffoorree yyoouu
ssttaarrtt yyoouurr nneeww llaatthhee..
AALLWWAAYYSS ppllaaccee aa ppiieeccee ooff ppllyywwoooodd oovveerr tthhee
wwaayyss ooff tthhee llaatthhee bbeeffoorree rreemmoovviinngg oorr
iinnssttaalllliinngg aa cchhuucckk.. TThhiiss hheellppss iinn pprroovviiddiinngg aa
ffllaatt ssuurrffaaccee ffoorr tthhee cchhuucckk ttoo llaanndd oonn,, tthheerree--
bbyy aavvooiiddiinngg aa ppootteennttiiaall ffiinnggeerr ppiinncchh ssiittuuaa--