
G9922 Oscillating Spindle Sander -7-
This Oscillating Spindle Sander is shipped from
the manufacturer in a carefully packed carton. If
you discover the machine is damaged after
you’ve signed for delivery, and the truck and dri-
ver are gone, you will need to file a freight claim
with the carrier. Save the containers and all pack-
ing materials for possible inspection by the carri-
er or its agent. Without the packing materials, fil-
ing a freight claim can be difficult. If you need
assistance determining whether you need to file a
freight claim, or with the procedure to file one,
please contact our Customer Service.
Parts Inventory
After all the parts have been removed from the
carton, you should have:
• Oscillating Spindle Sander
• Working Table
• Sanding Drum
• Sanding Sleeve
• 5mm Allen
• Double End Wrench 17x19mm
• Double End Wrench 12x14mm
• Stand Brackets (12)
• Miter Gauge
• Fasteners
When you are completely satisfied with the con-
dition of your shipment, you should inventory its
A full parts list and breakdown can be found
toward the end of this manual. For easier
assembly, or to identify missing parts,
please refer to the detailed illustrations at
the end of the manual.
Hardware Qty
Hex Nut M8 20
Flat Washers M8 20
Lock Washer M8 20
Pan Head Screw M8 X 16mm 20