
G3690 Grizzly Imports, Inc. - 3 -
Carefully remove the items packed in the car-
ton. It may be a good idea to save the carton
and packing material in case it might be need-
ed in the future. Upon removal of all items
from the package, you should have:
1. Nail Gun
2. Allen Head Wrench
3. Oil Bottle
4. Safety Goggles
Figure 1 shows the front side of the nail gun.
Figure 2 shows the back side of the nail gun.
Air pressure should be set at the minimum
required to set the fastener and must not
exceed 120 p.s.i. Follow all safety items
above and see Section V.B. Consistently
operating at unnecessarily high pressures will
put excessive stress on internal parts which
will lead to premature gun failure.
This air gun must be regularly oiled and oper-
ated with treated or clean air. It is a precision
tool with close internal tolerances designed for
repetitious use. Wet and dirty air will negative-
ly affect the gun’s performance as well as pre-
maturely destroy internal parts.
To ensure that the best quality air enters
your nail gun:
1. Use an in-line system to automatically oil,
filter, and dry compressed air. Grizzly
offers an in-line regulator / filter / water-
separator / lubricator (G2304). Please
refer to our catalog for price and ordering
2. The intake air filter on your compressor
must be clean and operational.
Periodically clean or replace this filter. It
is your primary line of defense.
3. Drain the compressor air storage tank(s)
often. If conditions are humid, drain up to
several times daily. Water vapor will con-
dense and accumulate in the bottom of
the storage tank(s). The internal metal
parts of the nail gun will be corroded by
the moisture that is passed through the
air supply hose.
4. Keep air hoses as clean as possible inter-
nally. Inspect nipples and couplers for
any dirt and moisture. Blow out prior to
connecting the gun.
Air Nozzle
Safety nose