3A0420H 9
The XP70 plural-component sprayer is a mechanical
fixed ratio sprayer that can mix and spray most two-com-
ponent epoxy and urethane protective coatings. When
using quick-setting material (less than 10 minute pot life)
a remote mix manifold must be used.
The two pumps are carbide seat severe duty positive
displacement pumps that displace fluid on both strokes
simultaneously on ratio to one another.
Over Pressure Protection
XP70 sprayers are not approved for use in hazardous
locations unless the base model, all accessories, all
kits, and all wiring meet local, state, and national
codes. See Important Two-Component Material
Information, page 7, to determine the appropriate
location for your particular sprayer model.
Mechanically linked pumps can create excessive fluid
pressure if the full motor force is applied to only one
of the fluid pumps.
• Maximum air pressure set point blow off valves
are provided to limit maximum fluid pressure. Do
not remove these valves.
• Automatic pressure relief valves are used to
dump excess pressure back to the supply. Never
plug these return hoses.
• Common handles link the fluid control valves.
Never install individual shut off valves on the “A”
and “B” lines.
• On models other than 1:1 mix ratio, a rupture disc
is provided on the small side fluid pump as a
back-up to the over pressure relief valve. If the
rupture disc ever opens, do not operate the
machine until the over pressure valve and the
rupture disc have been replaced.