36 3A2012J
1. See F
. 31. To enter Prime/Flush mode, press any
key to wake up the display, then press . The
Prime/Flush symbol will appear in the display and
the LED will flash .
2. While in Prime/Flush mode, runaway protection is
disabled and the batch totalizer (BT) will not count.
The grand totalizer (GT) continues to count.
1. To exit Prime/Flush mode, press any key to wake
up the display, then press . The Prime/Flush
symbol will disappear from the display and the LED
will stop flashing.
See F
. 31. The last digit of the batch totalizer (BT) rep-
resents tenths of gallons or liters. To reset the totalizer,
press any key to wake up the display, then press and
hold for 3 seconds.
• If AC is set to gallons or ounces, BT and GT dis-
play gallons.
• If AC is set to liters or cc, BT and GT display
• If AC is set to cycles, BT and GT display cycles.
Press to toggle between flow rate units and cycles.
A letter under the BT display indicates that both BT and
GT are displaying gallons (g) or liters (l). No letter
means both BT and GT are displaying cycles.
See F
. 31. The display (CF) will turn off after 1 minute
of inactivity in Run mode or 3 minutes in Setup mode.
Press any key to wake up the display.
NOTE: DataTrak will continue to count cycles when dis-
play is off.
NOTE: The display (CF) may turn off if a high-level
static discharge is applied to the DataTrak. Press any
key to wake up the display.
DataTrak can diagnose several problems with the
pump. When the monitor detects a problem, the LED
(CD, See F
. 31) will flash and a diagnostic code will
appear on the display. See Table 1.
To acknowledge the diagnosis and return to the normal
operating screen, press once to wake up the dis-
play, and once more to clear the diagnostic code screen