12 3A0157B
Motor runs but pump does
not stroke
1. Displacement pump pin (32)
damaged or missing; see pump
manual 310643 or 310894.
1. Replace pump pin if missing. Be sure
retainer spring (31) is fully in groove all
around connecting rod; see pump manual
310643 or 310894.
2. Connecting rod assembly (43)
damaged; see pump manual
310643 or 310894.
2. Replace connecting rod assembly; see
pump manual 310643 or 310894.
3. Gears or drive housing dam-
aged, page 28.
3. Inspect drive housing assembly and gears
for damage and replace if necessary; see
pump manual 310643 or 310894.
Excessive paint leakage
into throat packing nut
1. Throat packing nut is loose 1. Remove throat packing nut spacer.
Tighten throat packing nut just enough to
stop leakage.
2. Throat packings are worn or
2. Replace packings; see pump manual
310643 or 310894.
3. Displacement rod is worn or
3. Replace rod; see pump manual 310643 or
Fluid is spitting from gun
1. Air in pump or hose 1. Check and tighten all fluid connections.
Cycle pump as slowly as possible during
2. Tip is partially clogged 2. Clear tip; see tip guard manual 309640.
3. Fluid supply is low or empty 3. Refill fluid supply. Prime pump; see pump
manual 310643 or 310894. Check fluid
supply often to prevent running pump dry.
Pump is difficult to prime
1. Air in pump or hose 1. Check and tighten all fluid connections.
Cycle pump as slowly as possible during
2. Intake valve is leaking 2. Clean intake valve. Be sure ball seat is not
nicked or worn and that ball seats well.
Reassemble valve.
3. Pump packings are worn 3. Replace pump packings; see pump man-
ual 310643 or 310894.
4. Paint is too thick 4. Thin the paint according to supplier rec-
No display, sprayer operates
1. Display is damaged or has bad
1. Check connections. Replace display.
If check is OK, go to next check
When check is not OK, refer to this column