Integrated Flow Control
76 312779E
Global FC Data Copy
Set Global FC Data Copy to Start on the Manual Over-
ride Screen (see F
. 87). Global copy provides a start-
ing point for all recipes, enabling Continuous Learning
(see page 76) to take over.
Global copy works very well with multiple colors when
the viscosities are similar. It may only require a calibra-
tion and global copy each time a regulator is serviced or
if restriction downstream of the regulator is changed.
Continuous Learning
The flow profile will automatically adjust as necessary to
drive to the required flow set point, reflecting changes in
material viscosity or system dynamics (such as restric-
tions downstream from the regulator).
When changing recipes, the profile is saved to the cur-
rent active recipe. A Job Complete input will also save
the profile to the active recipe.
Setting Ki and Kp
. 89 shows the definition and relationship between Ki
and Kp.
• The default value for Ki is 40.
• The default value for Kp is 400.
For most applications, Ki and Kp do not need to change.
Do not change these vallues unless you are sure it is
Before adjusting these values, ensure that the input fluid
pressure to the regulator is pulsation free, and the outlet
pressure is higher than 12 psi (.08 MPa, 0.84 bar) for
each flow rate set point.
Applications with viscosities less than 20 cps or greater
than 300 cps may require that the Ki and Kp be
adjusted. Do this by making small variable changes to
the values in Advanced Setup Screen 5. See F
. 88.
. 87. Manual Override Screen
. 88. Advanced Setup Screen 5 (Automatic Mode
with Flow Control Only)