Meter Calibration
100 312779E
Meter Calibration
Calibrate the meter:
• The first time the system is operated.
• Whenever new materials are used in the system,
especially if the materials have viscosities that differ
• At least once per month as part of regular mainte-
• Whenever a flow meter is serviced or replaced.
• K-factors on the Calibration Screen are
updated automatically after the calibration pro-
cedure is completed.
• K-factor values on the screen are viewable only.
If needed, you can manually edit the K-factors
in Advanced Setup Screen 4 (see page 41) or
Recipe Setup Screen 5 (page 46).
• All values on this screen are in cc, independent
of the units set in Configure Screen 1.
• The controller will use the active recipe
K-factors for meter calibration. The active recipe
must be recipe 1 to recipe 60. Recipes 0 and 61
do not have K-factor values.
1. Before calibrating meter A or B, prime the system
with material. For a color/catalyst change system,
make sure the color/catalyst valve is open.
2. Shut off all spray or dispense devices connected to
the ProMix.
3. Close both fluid shutoff valves and sampling valves.
(Wall Mount Fluid Station only.)
4. Place the beakers (minimum size - 250 cc) in hold-
ers. Put the sampling tubes into the beakers. (Wall
Mount Fluid Station only.)
NOTE: If tubes need replacing, use 5/32 in. or 4 mm
OD tubing.
5. On the EasyKey, press the Setup key to access
setup screens.
6. Select Recipe & Advanced Setup and press the
Enter key to select.
7. Press the Right Arrow key to select the Cali-
bration Screen. Press
the Enter key to select
either Dose Valve A or B. Press the Down Arrow
key and select Start from the menu. Start only one
at a time.
To avoid splashing fluid in the eyes, wear eye protec-
tion. The fluid shutoff valves and ratio check valves are
retained by mechanical stops that prevent accidental
removal of the valve stem while the manifold is pres-
surized. If you cannot turn the valve stems manually,
relieve the system pressure, then disassemble and
clean the valve to remove the resistance.