6 311052H
Ventilate Spray Booth
Configure Gun and Manifold
The gun is supplied with an internal fluid plug and seals
(5, 6, 7). To use the gun in a circulating system, remove
the internal plug. In a non-circulating system, leave the
plug in place to minimize flush time.
Circulating System
1. Apply anti-seize lubricant 222955 to the threads and
mating faces of the manifold (101) and the elbows
(107), supplied unassembled.
2. Install the elbows (107) in both fluid ports of the
manifold (101).
3. Connect the fluid supply line to one elbow and the
fluid return line to the other. The manifold fluid ports
are reversible.
4. Install the gun on the manifold, using the four
screws (17). Start the threads of all four screws, and
tighten the front two screws first, and then tighten
the back two screws to 65 in-lb (7.3 N•m).
Non-circulating System
1. See FIG. 1. Apply anti-seize lubricant 222955 to the
threads and mating faces of the manifold (101), plug
(109), and elbow (107), supplied unassembled.
2. Install an elbow (107) in one fluid port of the mani-
fold (101), and a plug (109) in the other port.
3. Install the internal plug (5) in the gun fluid port on
the same side as the manifold plug.
4. Connect the fluid supply line to the manifold elbow
5. Install the gun on the manifold, using the four
screws (17). Start the threads of all four screws, and
tighten the front two screws first, and then tighten
the back two screws to 65 in-lb (7.3 N•m).
Check and follow all National, State, and Local
codes regarding air exhaust velocity requirements.
Check and follow all local safety and fire codes.
FIG. 1: Non-Circulating Setup Shown (cutaway view)
Remove when used in circulating systems.
Replace with a reducing nipple (107) when used in
circulating systems.
Install optional filter in fluid inlet port. See Accessories,
page 34.