11.3 With LATCH
Use vehicle belt (not LATCH connectors) for
installations with children weighing more than 48
pounds (21.7 kg). NOTE: Some vehicle manufacturers
have lower ma[imum weight ratings for LATCH anchors
so you must consult your vehicle owner’s manual or call
the vehicle manufacturer to confirm the limits on your
vehicle’s LATCH anchors.
1. Unhook LATCH from storage bars on the sides of
the seat. For ease of installation e[tend LATCH to its
ma[imum length.
2. Place the child restraint firmly against
the back of a forward-facing vehicle seat.
3. Hook LATCH Connectors to vehicle
lower anchors
. Pull firmly on Connectors
to be sure they are attached. Belt must
lay flat and not be twisted.
4. Tighten LATCH by pushing down hard on
child restraint and pulling the adjustment belt .
5. If you need to remove LATCH to readjust
push button on LATCH buckle
to loosen strap.