Pressure Relief Procedure
12 312376L
Pressure Relief Procedure
1. Lock the gun/valve trigger.
2. For D200s, D200, D60 and S20 Air Controls: See
IG. 6.
a. Close the air motor slider valve and the main air
slider valve.
b. Set the ram director valve to DOWN. The ram
will slowly drop.
c. Jog the director valve up and down to bleed air
from ram cylinders.
3. For L20c Air Controls: See F
IG. 7.
a. Close the air motor valve and the elevator direc-
tor valve. The ram will slowly drop.
4. Unlock the gun/valve trigger.
5. Hold a metal part of the gun/valve firmly to the side
of a grounded metal pail, and trigger the gun/valve
to relieve pressure.
6. Lock the gun/valve trigger.
7. Open the fluid line drain valve and the pump bleed
valve (P). Have a container ready to catch the drain-
8. Leave the pump bleed valve open until ready to
spray again.
If you suspect that the spray tip/nozzle or hose is com-
pletely clogged, or that pressure has not been fully
relieved after following the steps above, very slowly
loosen the tip guard retaining nut, nozzle, or hose end
coupling and relieve pressure gradually, then loosen
completely. Now clear the tip/nozzle or hose.
FIG. 6: Air Control Module
Main Air Valve
Ram Director
Air Motor Valve
FIG. 7: L20c Air Control Panel
FIG. 8
Elevator Director
Air Motor Valve