Digital Tracking System (ProContractor and IronMan models only)
332916C 21
Secondary Menu - Stored Data
1. Perform Pressure Relief, steps 1 - 4 if they have not
already been done.
2. Turn power switch on while holding DTS button down.
3. SERIAL NUMBER scrolls past and then serial number
(e.g. 00001) displays.
4. Short press DTS button and MOTOR HOURS scrolls past
and then total motor run hours are displayed.
5. Short press DTS button. LAST CODE scrolls by and last
code is displayed; e.g. E=07 (see Repair manual).
6. Press and hold DTS button to clear code to zero.
7. Short press DTS button. W-DOG scrolls past then OFF
displays if watchdog switch is OFF. ON displays if Watch-
dog switch is ON.
8. Press and hold (8 seconds) DTS button to move to
WatchDog Trigger % menu. Continue to hold DTS button
and Watchdog can be set to trigger at 30, 40, 50, or 60%
of current sprayer pressure setting. Release DTS button
when desired % is displayed. Default is 50%.
9. Short press to move to SOFTWARE REV.
10. Short press DTS button. MOTOR ID RESISTOR scrolls
by and model code number (see below).
Motor ID Number Models
2 795 / Mark IV
4 1095 / 230V Mark V
6 1595 / 120V Mark V / MARK VII
10 Mark X