10 312796R
4. For motors with DataTrak: If equipped with a run-
away protection solenoid, remove two screws (18)
and the solenoid bracket (26). Pull the solenoid (25)
out of the air valve.
5. Remove screws (18). Remove the air valve (17) and
gasket (16*◆).
6. To repair the air valve, go to Disassemble the Air
Valve, step 1 at right. To install a replacement air
valve, continue with step 7.
7. Align the new air valve gasket (16*◆) on the mani-
fold, then attach the air valve (17).
8. For motors with DataTrak: If equipped with a run-
away protection solenoid, remember to reattach the
solenoid bracket and the solenoid.
9. For motors with DataTrak: Use screw to attach the
reed switch assembly to the new air valve. Be sure
the sensor cables are connected properly (see
pump or package manual).
10. Reconnect the air line to the motor.
Replace Seals or Rebuild Air Valve
Air Valve Seal Kits are available. See page 21 to order
the correct kit for your pump. Parts are marked †.
Air Valve Repair Kits are available. See page 21 to
order the correct kit for your pump. Parts are marked ◆.
Air Valve End Cap Kits are available. See page 21 to
order the correct kit for your pump. Parts are marked ✠.
Disassemble the Air Valve
1. Perform steps 1-5 under Replace Complete Air
Valve, page 9.
2. See F
. 5. Use a 2 mm or 5/64 hex key to remove
two screws (109†◆). Remove the valve plate
3. M02xxx and M04xxx Motors: Remove the cup
(112◆) and spring (111◆).
M07xxx, M12xxx, and M18xxx Motors: Remove
the two-piece cup assembly (◆112a, b, and c), and
spring (111◆).
4. Remove the snap ring (110◆✠) from each end. Use
the piston to push the end caps (107✠, 117✠) out of
the ends. Remove end cap o-rings (106†✠◆,
5. Remove the piston (102◆). Remove the u-cup seals
(108†◆) from each end and the detent assembly
(103◆) and detent cam (104◆) from the center.
. 4: Solenoid removal
Use a
10 mm hex
. 5: Air plate removal